We offer Strength & Conditioning classes for all levels of fitness, scheduled throughout the day and evening. To ensure that all our athletes get the personal attention they need, our classes are capped at 20 people. During each class, our coaches demonstrate proper form and circulate around the gym, offering encouragement and making sure everyone is doing the movements correctly. At Oculus, we believe that proper form is the best way to avoid injury and achieve maximum results.

Strength & Conditioning

Monday  Friday
6am – 8:30pm

8am, 9:15am, 10:30am


As the name suggests, our Strength & Conditioning classes are an ever-changing mix of weightlifting, gymnastics, plyometrics and endurance. Each class lasts 60 minutes and includes a Warm-Up, a Skill or Strength set and Metabolic Conditioning (Metcon).

Please register in advance through our dedicated TRIIB app and show up a few minutes early. We get started on time.

Open Gym


Off-peak hours where Oculus members or drop-ins are free to use the gym to work on their mobility, practice skills, and workout on their own